Thursday, April 5, 2007


Part of Canstruction. Ovechkin is the star left wing for the Washington Capitals.


Sarah said...

Is that Larry?? It looks like he has wings in this shot!

Sara said...

So cool! Where is that? Is everyone allowed to get that close or does Larry have special privileges? The "potential energy" of the canstructions seems to be dangerous.

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Yeah, that's Larry. It's in the Ballston Mall - we were checking out the canstructions after meeting friends for drinks at Rock Bottom. When we were looking at Ovech"can", one of our friends commented that "it looks really good if you squint" and for some reason Larry interpreted this as HE should squint when standing behind it - his expression cracks me up.

Sara said...

That's so funny! It reminds me of a little kid trying to hide by closing his eyes.