Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"like butta"


Sara said...

Oh JEEZ. Don't vanity plates seem to infect NOVA more than they do anywhere else? The worst I ever saw was MY LXTC. As you might guess, the ecstatic douche bag in question was driving a Lexus... which is essentially a Toyota with an "L" on the front grille.

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Oh no! Yes, they are horrible up here, which is why I can't resist taking pictures of them.

The worst we saw? QT PA2T
This was on the BMW in the driveway of a house we looked at. The owner was a spoiled brat about 25 years old (think her parents had bought the house for her?) and Larry said "we can't buy this house because of THAT LICENSE PLATE. Someone needs to teach her a lesson!"